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elimination diet中文是什么意思

用"elimination diet"造句"elimination diet"怎么读"elimination diet" in a sentence


  • 排除饮食
  • 剔除食谱
  • 剔除饮食


  • When the patient with regional enteritis complains of the symptoms arising from disaccharidase dificiency , the clinician should be alert to evaluate an elimination diet starting with lactose containing components and consider diagnostic studies using tolerance tests and / or enzyme analyses of small bowel mucosa , if ( it is ) available
    节段性肠炎病人诉述由于二醋缺乏所引起的症状时,临床医师就应机智地为病人计算一种开始时包含乳糖成分的脱敏食谱,并且考虑做一些诊断上的研究,如耐受性(负荷)试验和(或)小肠枯膜的分析(省略部分不予补充) 。
用"elimination diet"造句  


An elimination diet is a method of identifying foods that an individual cannot consume without adverse effects. Adverse effects may be due to food allergy, food intolerance, other physiological mechanisms (such as metabolic or toxins), or a combination of these.
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